
Do I Still Need To See A Doctor If I Feel Fine After A Car Accident? 

You should assess the situation and determine if you are suffering from any serious injuries. If you are able to, get out of the vehicle and find a safe place. Call 911 immediately to send emergency personnel to the scene. You will be asked about the number and type of vehicles involved in a Florida car accident, as well as if you require EMS. You always need to have first responders come to the accident scene to examine you and the other people involved, no matter how you are feeling.

After a car crash, it is common for people to feel “fine.” But should you see a doctor if you are feeling fine? There are several reasons to see a doctor if you feel fine after a car accident.

Why you might feel fine even if you’re hurt It is important to first understand why, even though you may have been injured, you feel fine after a car accident. Your body goes into “fight-or-flight” mode when you’re in a stressful circumstance. A motor vehicle accident is a stressful event, and your body will release a large amount of adrenaline, the chemical that helps you fight or flee.

Your body will do everything possible to provide you with the energy to handle a stressful situation when adrenaline is flowing through your system. This means that you will not feel any symptoms of injury, even if it is a serious one.

It is an evolutionarily based response. This was even more important in the days when people had to run from lions or tigers. This might not be necessary in an accident, but can still help you get out of the car if you are injured. It can make it difficult to detect an injury. Even if you are feeling fine, it is important to see a doctor as soon as possible.

Why you must get a diagnosis as soon as possible Many people go to the ER after an injury. You should go to the ER after a car accident to receive a diagnosis. The ER doctor is trained to recognize serious injuries from motor vehicle accidents and can help you create a treatment plan. Ask the ER doctor to perform a few scans in order to ensure that no injuries are missed.

If you are suffering from very serious injuries, your doctor may decide to immediately admit you to the hospital or schedule an operation to aid in your recovery. A lot of people get discharged quickly from the ER after a car accident. You might believe that you’re done if you’re told you’re fine by the ER doctor. However, this does not mean you’ve suffered any injuries.

You Should See A Car Accident Injury Specialist After leaving the ER, you should complete your recovery. Even if your injuries are not “serious,” you may still feel sore the next morning. After the adrenaline wears off, it is possible that you will experience other symptoms that cause great discomfort.

It is important to consult someone who has experience in treating injuries resulting from car accidents. Not all doctors have the necessary training and experience to ensure that injuries are diagnosed and treated correctly. You should also work with someone who can limit side effects and complications. You don’t have to take prescription medication just because you hurt yourself. You can increase your recovery chances by working with someone who is an expert in motor vehicle accidents.

Common car accident injuries you might suffer There are several injuries you may suffer if you’ve been in a car accident. Some of the common injuries include:

– Whiplash occurs when sudden changes in motion cause a sprain to the cervical ligaments of your neck. You may experience neck pain and a loss in range of motion if your neck is jerked from side to side quickly. This condition can be treated by a car accident doctor.

– Herniated Disk: When your chest moves forward after a car accident, it could cause a lot of pressure on your lumbar area, which can lead to disc herniation. Herniated disks are most commonly found between L3-L4 or L4-L5. In addition to the lower back pain, you may also experience shooting pains down your legs. This condition can be treated by a car accident doctor.

– PCL Sprain: Your knee may also sprain when you hit it on the dashboard. Your doctor can examine your knee to determine the severity of a sprain and develop a plan for treatment.

Here are just some of the injuries you could suffer in an accident. You should consult Florida Medical Pain Management if you want to maximize your chances of recovery and minimize any side effects. We can help you get better.

This article was written by an auto accident doctor at Florida Medical Pain Management. Florida Medical Pain Management is proud to offer comprehensive pain management services to a diverse group of patients. Patients at Florida Medical Pain Management can get help managing hip, knee, leg, and neck pain. The practice also offers comprehensive arthritis management, along with treatments for auto accidents, sports, and work injuries.